
Welcome to the website of the Chair of Business Taxation

Chair of Business Taxation

Our research fields are economic analysis of tax law, ethical questions of business administration, and methodological questions of business administration. This also includes corporate social responsibility regarding taxation.

Our courses deal with tax law from an economic perspective. Subject of the undergraduate modules is also tax planning and its limits. The Master courses focus on the economic analysis of tax law.

 Fri, 19. Apr. 2024   Horn, Jonas

Stellenausschreibung Studentische / Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Liebe Studierende, unser Lehrstuhl sucht eine Studentische / Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (w / m / d). Nähere Informationen können Sie der angehängten Ausschreibung entnehmen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Ihr...
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